2 Not-So-Famous Whistleblowers Who Changed The Game

2 Not-So-Famous Whistleblowers Who Changed The Game

Whistleblowers can really shake up their companies and their industries. There’s a reason that Edward Snowden, Erin Brockovich and Deep Throat are practically household names: their revelations had profound impacts. There are many whistleblowers who aren’t as famous but who are just as impactful. Their cases are all different, but their courage, their bravery and their stories are all inspiring: in the context of normal lives (not the Hollywood-ready ones)...

H Street Law: Advocating for You at SCOTUS

H Street Law: Advocating for You at SCOTUS

H Street Law, alongside the National Whistleblower Center and the law firm of Zerbe, Miller, Fingeret, Frank & Jadav, advocated for whistleblowers at the Supreme Court of the United States. The amicus brief informed the Justices of the connection between Bittner v. United States and whistleblower tips garnered through the IRS Whistleblower Program.

Navigating Liability as a Whistleblower

Navigating Liability as a Whistleblower

There’s a common misconception that a whistleblower must have no connections to the conduct they seek to report. This common misconception often discourages witnesses from coming forward or incentives them to omit or to minimize their role or participation in a fraud. Yet whistleblowers are quite frequently connected to the conduct they seek to report.

Thinking of blowing the whistle?

Thinking of blowing the whistle?

Thinking of blowing the whistle? The Brief: While becoming a whistleblower can be daunting, you should initially focus on three important considerations: (1) whistleblower protections are available, (2) documentary evidence is helpful but not required, and...